Avoid the FOG this Thanksgiving

Avoid the FOG this Thanksgiving Keep the FOG (fats, oils, and grease) out of your drains this thanksgiving! When it comes to plumbing disasters, this holiday is the biggest culprit. With family over and thanksgiving dinner being prepared you want to make sure you don’t overload your drains. An unexpected expense can put a damper on any holiday. Here are a few simple steps to keep FOG from taking over your drains[1]: Never drop grease down your drain. Congealed turkey and other grease ...

Thanksgiving Grease is Gross

Greases, oils, and fats are common by-products of foods that need to be disposed of during cooking. If simply washed down the drain, these oils can congeal in your pipes and create blockages. These blockages can cause serious damage, and lead to very costly repairs. Reuters published an article on plumbing problems that can be caused by grease from Thanksgiving cooking. “Adam Krantz, managing director for government and public affairs at the National Association of Clean Water Agencies, pu...